Proper Dip form is often neglected (and misunderstood) in my opinion so here's a mini tutorial for those who want to squeeze some gains out of this compound exercise.
First of all, the set up is very important. Why? Because the way you'll set up will determine the way you'll perform the reps.
Rolling your shoulders down and back is crucial, since this cue alone can help prevent issues such as "chest pain" or "shoulder pain" commonly seen when performing this exercise. ⁣⁣


At this point, lower your body by bending your arms but don't go ALL the way down. While people tend to think "full ROM" is always good - for this particular exercise - I like to cue people to get to parallel height and then back up. ⁣⁣
Sure, you could get a little lower without any issues and many people do, however (generally speaking) making sure your shoulders don't go below (or atleast not too much below) elbow height will give you all the benefits while minimizing/avoiding any risk involved with increased range of motion. ⁣
Quite in fact it's very easy to get shoulder issues (impingements) when trying to go too low.⁣⁣

Bottom line; ⁣⁣
1️⃣ Set your shoulders right⁣⁣
2️⃣ Make sure your ROM isn't excessive! ⁣⁣