⁣While I always try to teach the Deadlift as a "one movement lift", I can fairly say that if we want to be "very very detailed", we could actually divide it as a 2 steps movement.

Number 1️⃣: Going from set up to creating pre-pulling tension (upper body dominant): this is probably the most important step of the deadlift, which can seriously make it or break it.
Creating a solid base at "step 1" will allow you to perform the perfect deadlift, if all things are done correctly: As you set up, you want to pull the slack out of the barbell (so allowing the bar to adhere to the upper portion of the plates' holes - you should hear a "click" of the bar when doing this) while keeping the arms straight and sticking your chest out by pulling your shoulderblades down and back.


Yes. Everything of the above HAS TO be performed WHILE the barbell is STILL ON the ground. Creating the "Pre-pulling tension" means to create the tension BEFORE the actual pull, so you have to do this BEFORE the lift.

Number 2️⃣: The execution/the lift (lower body dominant).

If you've done everything on step 1 (and I mean everything) you're now ready to pull the barbell up.
How? By simply pushing the ground away from your feet. And that's it.

Most of the work is actually done on step (1) which is also the step nobody pys attention to, where you need to create the strongest base for you to lift from.

Step (2) is literally just pushing your feet through the ground.⁣