While dumbbell variations could be a great choice for tricep isolating movements, there are a couple things to mention. First of all, the regular dumbbell SC's tension curve doesn't allow the triceps to stay under consistent tension throughout the entire range of motion (ROM), and this applies to any movement performed in a circular motion, (e.g. bicep curls too), which decreases the more you extend your arm. The main reason is gravity which will be pulling the weight perpendicularly to the ground, neglecting tricep involvement on almost half the range of motion.
On the other hand, cables will push a pulling force through the entire range of motion, making it a great tool to be used when focusing on isolation movements.
As a general rule of thumb, I like to use cables for "circular motions" while dumbbells for "vertical/perpendicular" ones, I think you might benefit from considering doing this too.